MMM Equine 360

We now have our own personal Horse Care Professional who cares about the WHOLE horse. She is not just a farrier or a body adjuster or horse whisper. She cares about the horse and helps figure out ways to make sure your horse is comfortable and performing there best. She has been around and own horses her whole life. She believes a horse is not a piece of equipment or a tool but just like a human being. Horses have emotions and needs just like we do. Her goal is to understand your horse and get them to tip top shape and performing in the way they should. Farrier services Start at $30 and trims only at this time and Bemer starting at $20. Press the link below that will take you to her Facebook page for news and more information.
At shows she will do a preshow for $20 and $10 after show small sessions. Then she does full session at show $60 or she will come to your house and it’s $75 the first horse and $60 any additional horses. All shapes and sizes are the same!