Let’s Ride

Time for some camps!!! All our camps help pay for all the horses shots and coggins, teeth floating, ultra sounds and more. During camp we will be learning more about different types of riding including barrels and english. We always have a farm day to learn a little bit about each animal on the farm. Camp will be every day Monday- Friday(Times pending on camp) or a 3 day camp Monday-Wednesday. There is a $100 hold to hold your spot. The total cost is $200-$300 each child pending Camp. Come join us for some awesome fun and learning!
June & July 2025
June 2nd-5th
Our first Summer Camp will be from 10am-2pm. Our camps we only allow 6-15 students in each camp. This allows more one and one and more learning. This camp will be $300 each student. This Camp is all about different disciplines of equine. Horsemanship, Showmanship, Western Pleasure, English and Barrel Racing.
June 16th-19th
Our second Summer Camp will be from 9am-2pm. Our camps we only allow 6-15 students in each camp. This allows more one and one and more learning. This camp will be $300 each student. This Camp is all about Health care and Veterinarian care in all animals. If your child is interested in being a veterinarian this is the best camp for them. There will be multiple Veterinarians and a farrier here during this week. There will be blood pulled, shots, teeth floating, feet care and so much more. We will learn WHY it is important to care about all parts of our horse and how it affects riding them. This will be all western riding.
June 30th-July 3rd & July 14th-17th
Our last two Summer Camp will be from 9am-2pm. Our camps we only allow 6-15 students in each camp. This allows more one and one and more learning. This camp will be $300 each student. This Camp is all about barrel racing. We have our own SNS Barrel Team of 20 plus students. You will learn all 6 main events and a few fun extra events also. They will learn what it takes to be on the team and to compete.
All you need is closed toe shoes, pants, lunch, bathing suite and towel. We provide everything else you need. Please stay upfront until your instructor comes to get you. Please do not wander the property. Thank you so much for all you do! To hold your spot please go ahead and make a payment for $100 and then the additional 200 needs to be paid 48 hours prior to camp. The deposit is nonrefundable of $100. Cash payment no extra charges! Venmo and Zelle is a 10% charge. Thank you!

Shots, Coggins, Feet, Teeth, eyes, ultra sounds and more. Shearing goats and alpacas, castrating cows and more. These clinics are not just about learning how to ride but everything you need to learn about horses. Have you ever seen an ultra sound on a horse? How about floating the teeth?? Exactly! Unlike most facilities, here you will learn more about the horses anatomy in addition to western riding. The cost is $60-$80. Pack a lunch. Times vary.

We offer 3 different leasing programs.....
Day Lease-$50 each. We will grab you a horse that will fit your experience and help you saddle and then go have fun. You ride as long as you and your horse like, here on our property in our arena up front.
$150 a month. This is where you may choose 1 day a week to ride.
$350 a month is where you can ride 2 times a week. You can also join our barrel team at no extra cost with a yearly contract. (Limited Availability)
None of the above leases come with contracts except for the barrel team that will go till the end of the physical year. If you start in the middle of the year it still goes till the end of December. This is because I have matched you with a horse for you to show through out the year and have dedicated that horse to you only. Every horse needs a rider and I do all I can to pair everyone up with the right horse. As you grow you will change horses as your experience level increases.